Vaccines.... Preventing Disease or Wreaking Havoc in a Body?
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Vaccination Discussion Forum.
While there is more information on the pros and cons of vaccines than I could ever pour through to determine it's relavence for this blog, or it's factual content even; I am not here to preach for or against vaccinations. I am here to help you find leads to inform yourself and weigh your own risks.
Here is an article by a journalist in search of Amish children with Autism (since they don't vaccinate).
Her results are predictable.
Personally, I don't see how injecting our children with chemicals, which we have determined to be toxic in other instances, are considered 'safe' for this usage. Ethyl Mercury, formaldahyde, etc.
Picture an infant, newly exposed to... well, to everything. And everyone. Their tiny bodies, sometimes fragile, trying to adjust to 'life' and building immunity to everyday exposures, germs, and even the toxins we live with and don't consider; such as perfume, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, allergens, new foods or formulas, air pollutants, etc. Now add a tri-fold vaccine like or DPaT, which they never receive alone, so add the Polio and HIb. Now you have 5...that's FIVE diseases injected in one office visit, our children are fighting. But not just the diseases, also each vaccines preservative of choice. Formaldahyde, mercury, other un-pronouncable chemicals the body has to strain out and eliminate. And that's in a healthy baby with no obvious complications. I just don't get it.
Some 26 vaccinations are recommended for children before age 2, and while doctors keep telling us they are safe, more parents (and doctors) are fighting for the right to decline vaccinations and still enter children in school, day care centers and summer camps.
Look up
acrodynia, a condition written about in the early 1900s that sounds exactly like autism and was shown to be caused by teething powder containing mercury. The disease disappeared when the teething powder was taken off the market.
What parent believes it's an acceptable risk that his or her 2-year-old could be brain damaged by a DPT (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) shot? As our fear of these diseases recedes, what we fear more are the pharmaceuticals themselves. Too much big money is behind vaccination to get the truth from the government or the manufacturers! Too many scientists say vaccinations don't work. The diseases being vaccinated against are cured by a healthy immune system, while
vaccinations debilitate the immune system.
These are just a few of the obvious reasons NOT to get a vaccination without FIRST informing yourself of the way vaccines work and what is in them.See Also:
Why My Child Won't Be Getting The MMRParents Don't Know Who To Trust On VaccinationsLegally Avoiding Vaccines In The USA